Northpoint Baptist Church is a contemporary community-focused Church which values each person it encounters.
We desire to be creative in setting up environments that are good for all people to make connections with God and with others. We invite you to be part of the Northpoint Whanau, we'd love to get to know you!
We are striving to be a place where people can find love, acceptance, healing, reconciliation and direction.
We are working hard at seeing the love of Jesus spread through our local community.
We want to be a Church of influence, that stands against the negative effects of family and relationship breakdown that contributes to the downward spiral of values and morals within our community.
We want to see as many people as possible laughing and learning together, and growing towards their full potential in God.
We want to have land and buildings which bring the Church and community together; providing a place of worship, a place of training and support, a place of recreation, a place of community facilities ministering to the whole person - all under one roof.
We’re not perfect, but we strive for excellence in all we do to reflect the love and grace that Jesus had for us in dying on the cross. In response to all that he did, we want to be the best that we can be to share his message to the world.
Our Values
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Encouraging people to have an engaging faith that is lived out on a 24/7 basis. It’s not just about attending church or your faith being an appendage in life, but rather it's about being who you are. Jesus becomes the lens which everything in life is filtered through. Adopting a Faith@Home philosophy, and long-term strategy and then resourcing it
Seeing people come to faith in Christ.
We teach, encourage and equip people for the work of mission.
Building relationships with people in our local community.
Engaging in the task of reaching the lost, both locally and globally. Reaching out to those who don’t know Christ – this is a command from Jesus to his disciples
Making a tangible difference in the Bell Block community – i.e. the community would be worse off, or at least miss us if we were to cease to exist.
Helping to provide for the physical needs of those who are struggling in our community. Helping to establish the Kingdom of God.
24/7 Youth Work in our local primary school.
An awareness that God’s kingdom will be fully established when Jesus returns again to rule in power, we are living in the time of the ‘already but not yet’.
Coming together as The Body of Christ as one large group but also in lots of smaller groups. Worshipping together: reading and teaching of Scripture, singing, praying, and giving. Encouragement – sharing stories of how God has worked in people’s lives.
Exercising spiritual gifts; Fellowship - hospitality;
Bringing glory to God.
The way we live becomes an act of worship.